If a person feels a lump or bulge in the abdomen, it could be a hernia. Hernias occur when part of an abdominal organ or fatty tissue in the abdomen pushes through a weak spot or tear in the abdominal muscles. The lump may be soft, small, and painless, or it may feel a little painful and swollen.
Hernias occur when part of an abdominal organ or fatty tissue in the abdomen pushes through a weak spot or tear in the abdominal muscles. Most of the time, it is because of fatty tissue that is pushing through the weak spot. Hernias usually occur in areas where the abdominal wall is weakened or thinner, either because the location is already weaker or is made weaker due to a previous surgery. Excessive straining, coughing, and heavy lifting can also cause a hernia.
For a person with no symptoms, the doctor may discover a lump in the groin or abdomen during a medical exam. Most commonly, people with hernias notice a lump or tenderness and pressure or pain upon bending, coughing, or straining. The lump may be easier to feel when the person stands up. This is a sign of a reducible hernia, meaning it can be pushed back into the abdomen. When a person stands, the lump sticks out noticeably because of the pull of gravity. Other symptoms include a heavy feeling in the groin or abdomen, pain or swelling in the scrotum, pain when lifting something heavy, and pain in the groin after you have been standing a lot.
Generally, a physical exam by the doctor will confirm the presence of a hernia. Most hernias are found this way. In the rare cases where a patient has symptoms but a doctor cannot feel a hernia, then further tests may be ordered. Usually, a CT scan is the test of choice in that instance.
Hernia Surgery is the procedure that repairs the protrusion or hernia, fixing the compromised abdominal wall with a synthetic mesh. There are three main types of surgery for hernia repair:
Open (traditional) hernia repair surgery: In this method, the surgeon will make a direct incision to access the hernia, push the organs back in place, repair the tear in the wall, and put a mesh in to reinforce the tissue.
Laparoscopic hernia repair surgery: In this method, the surgeon uses several small incisions to insert a thin tube with a camera, or a laparoscope, to see the damage and then will use the remaining incisions to simultaneously insert the surgical instruments for repair.
Robotic hernia repair surgery: In this method, laparoscopy is used again but robotic instruments are used with the surgeon at a remote console driving the instruments to repair the tissue.
Inguinal Hernias: The most common type, which occurs in about 2% of men in the United States. They usually occur in the area where the skin crease at the top of the thigh joins the torso (the inguinal crease.
Umbilical Hernias: Umbilical Hernias are usually at, or around the belly button, and occur when part of your intestine bulges through the opening in your abdominal muscles near your belly button (navel). Umbilical hernias are common and typically harmless.
Incisional/Ventral hernias: Incisional/Ventral hernias occur in an area on the abdomen where you have a previous incision from surgery. Since that area is permanently weakened from surgery, it can be an area where a hernia can develop. A Hernia Surgery attempts to fix this bulge and repair the compromised muscle wall with a synthetic mesh.
Hiatal Hernia: Hiatal Hernia, also known as a hiatus hernia, occurs when part of the stomach extends through the diaphragm and into the chest. The diaphragm is the muscle that separates the abdomen from the chest. Hiatal hernias can cause gastroesophageal reflux disease, or laryngopharyngeal reflux, which can cause symptoms like a taste of acid in the back of the mouth or heartburn.
Inguinal Hernias Advantages of Robotic Surgery
Inguinal Hernia Robot Assist requires narcotics less than 5% of the time.
Hiatal Hernias Advantages of Robotic Surgery
Ventral Hernias Advantages of Robotic Surgery
What’s The First Step?
The first step in getting a Hernia Surgery in Las Vegas is scheduling a consultation with one of our expert surgeons who deal with this area of specialty. Your surgeon will discuss your medical condition, history of surgeries as well as any pre-existing health issues that might intervene in the process of surgery and recovery. He will then examine you to discuss the best techniques for your surgery.
At the end of the consultation, your surgeon will give you a surgical plan which you can then take to our patient coordinator to price out, schedule your surgery as well, and give you any pre-operative instructions.
During open hernia repair, the patient is first put to sleep with general anesthesia. The abdominal wall is then opened in the target area. Depending on the practice that your surgeon uses, you will either get an open, laparoscopic, or robotic surgery done.
Either way, in the end, the protruding tissue is moved back into the abdomen, and the weakness or defect is repaired with a synthetic mesh. Many different types of mesh are available and usually, your surgeon will have a particular preference.
Usually, you will be given pain medications prior to discharge. Normal findings after surgery include pain, swelling of the scrotum, bruising, and difficulty urinating. It is advisable to place ice packs on the surgical sight for 24-48 hours after surgery. Thereafter, it is important to switch to warm compresses/heating pads and apply them to the surgical site. The first few days after surgery can be quite painful, but the pain improves over the subsequent days.
How Much Does It Cost?
The cost of Hernia surgery in Las Vegas will depend on various factors including the complexity of your case, your surgeon’s fees, and the anesthetist’s fees. The most efficient way to arrive at a cost is to schedule a consultation with one of our providers who can give you a surgical plan that can then be priced out.
Most medical insurance policies will cover surgery for hernias, but we encourage you to check in with your insurer first. While you will have more information to provide your insurance company after your consultation, it’s always a good idea to come in with as much information as possible so that there are no surprises.
Las Vegas Surgical Associates should be one of your first choices for Hernia Surgery. It is a multi-specialty surgical group that is unique to the Las Vegas area in being able to offer services across a broad range of surgical specialties with a collective of highly qualified surgeons. LVSA is a group practice and one of our physicians is always on call and can answer questions or take care of acute surgical emergencies when they arise. Collectively, our surgeons have affiliations with numerous medical-certifying groups, including the American Board of Surgery (ABS), the Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES), the Society of Laparoscopic Surgery (SLS), and the Society for Surgery of Alimentary Tract (SSAT), the American Hernia Society (AHS), and the American College of Surgeons (FACS), ASMBS (American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery ), ASCRS (America Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons).
We welcome your patient referrals. You may refer your patients to a specific surgeon in our group by name or simply refer them to LVSA and we will make sure they see the appropriate physician according to their need. We strive to make sure your visit with us is pleasant and efficient.
If you have been struggling with abdominal hernia pain, you should consider scheduling a consultation with one of our surgeons to learn more about Hernia Surgery. Please get in touch with Las Vegas Surgical Associates in Las Vegas, NV, and schedule a consultation at your earliest. You can do so by calling our office at (702) 258-7788 or visiting our website and filling out an online application form.